January 24, 2016

What's in my bag


The "what's in my bag" posts are one of my favourite ones to read, so today i decided to show you what i have in mine.

January 17, 2016

10 Things to do in 2016

A new year means that you have 365 (366 this year as it is a leap year) days to do amazing stuff, so here's ten things you can do!

January 14, 2016

My Favourite Lip Products


I'm no beauty expert but i do really enjoy putting makeup on and playing around with it, recently my favourite part of wearing makeup has been putting lipstick on so I decided to show you what my favourite ones are!

January 08, 2016

Memory jar

It's been a few days since i uploaded my 2016 resolutions post but i didn't mention something that I've been doing for a couple of years now, and that is a memory jar!

January 05, 2016

2016 resolutions

Everyone has goals, even if they don't write them down, we all have things that we would like to achieve in the new year. I decided to write mine down because this way it would not only be a reminder for me to try to achive them but it might also inspire somebody!